Configure DRMs for PlayReady, Widevine, and FairPlay

After you have obtained a license from the DRM provider to use Widevine, PlayReady, or FairPlay DRM, you can configure access to the matching Verimatrix Multi-DRM service on the DRMs screen.

  1. Open the DRMs screen.
  2. Press the “Add a DRM” button at the bottom right of the DRMs screen.
  3. Select your DRM Provider from the dropdown.

To configure Widevine

  1. In the Initialization Vector field, enter your IV that you obtained from Google.
  2. In the Key field, paste the Secret license key that you obtained from Google.
  3. In the Provider field, enter the provider name, given in the Widevine file, such as “Verimatrix”.
  4. In the URL field, enter the Widevine DRM license URL that you obtained from Google.
  5. Click Save.

To configure Playready

  1. In the Deployment Certificate field, add the location of the PlayReady certificate that you obtained from Microsoft.
  2. In the Key field, enter the public key provided by Microsoft.
  3. In the Private Key field, paste your PlayReady license private key. This is not the same as your Service Access Key private key.
  4. Click Save.

To configure FairPlay

  1. In the Key field, add the location of your FairPlay certificate file.
  2. In the Private Key field, add your FairPlay license private key in unencrypted RSA format. This is not the same as your Service Access Key private key.
  3. Click Save.