Client Status Codes: Widevine

The below table provides the status codes and their descriptions, expected UI behavior (if applicable), and comments to include if you report the error to Verimatrix Customer Care.

HTTP Error CodeMessageDescriptionMDRM Error Code
400Key ID could not be parsed into a valid UUIDThe Key ID is either missing or not in UUID Format in the encoded JWT token sent via the header of the License Request.MDRM-703
400Key ID should not be emptyMDRM-720
401Authorization token is requiredThe Authorization token itself is missing in the header of the License Request.MDRM-701
401Failed to decode JSON web token; malformedThe Authorization token in the header of the get License request is incorrect.MDRM-702
403Widevine reports device is revoked, but override is allowed (Error 127)The Widevine license server parsed the license request and identifies the device as being revoked, but it allows the revocation to be overridden. To override the revocation, the override_device_revocation policy setting must be included and set to true in the JWT generated by the middleware.MDRM-716
403Widevine reports device is revoked, override not allowed (Error 175)MDRM-718
404Failed to resolve encryption key for organizationMDRM-704
404Requested content encryption key does not existThis error is seen as a result of MDRM-806 being returned from VKM. No content key is found for the requested content.MDRM-717
404An error occurred while retrieving Widevine DRM information from the databaseThe get License request is sent without Widevine DRM being provisioned for that specific org Id.MDRM-705
500Unexpected Widevine HTTP status code when retrieving certificateMDRM-706
500An error occurred while retrieving certificate from WidevineMDRM-707
400The license challenge blob generated by client is invalidThe license request was sent with an invalid license challenge blob.MDRM-721
400Widevine failed to parse license requestThe Widevine license server failed to parse the encrypted license request generated by the client CDM. This is a generic parse error for cases other than revoked devices.MDRM-708
500An error occurred while parsing request with WidevineThere are issues connecting to the Widevine license server.MDRM-709
500An error occurred while retrieving key from WidevineMDRM-710
500Unexpected Widevine HTTP status code when retrieving licenseMRDRM-711
500An error occurred while retrieving license from WidevineMDRM-712
500Unexpected Widevine HTTP status codeMDRM-713
500Widevine failed to process requestMDRM-714
500An unexpected error occurred while processing the requestGeneric ErrorMDRM-700
500An error occured while retrieving encryption key from backend serviceMDRM-715