PlayReady Claims

The claims in this section apply only to PlayReady objects.

Security Policy

Security policies within the token are assigned unique IDs by a UUID. The claims must be within a "playready" object.

"security_level" claim

Optional. The "security_level" claim is a child of the PlayReady policy claim. It is an integer that sets the acceptable client security level.
Valid values:

  • 150
  • 2000
  • 3000
    Default: 2000

"minimum_compressed_digital_audio" claim

Optional. The "minimum_compressed_digital_audio" claim is a child of the PlayReady policy claim.

Valid values:

  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 250
  • 300
    For more information, refer to PlayReady Output Protection Levels.

"minimum_uncompressed_digital_audio" claim

Optional. The "minimum_uncompressed_digital_audio" claim is a child of the PlayReady policy claim. It controls how the output device handles routing of audio.

Valid values:

  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 250
  • 300

For more information, refer to PlayReady Output Protection Levels.

"minimum_compressed_digital_video" claim

Optional. The "minimum_compressed_digital_video" claim is a child of the PlayReady policy claim. It controls how output devices handle routing of digital video.

Valid values:

  • 400
  • 500

For more information, refer to PlayReady Output Protection Levels.

"minimum_uncompressed_digital_video" claim

Optional. The "minimum_uncompressed_digital_video" claim is a child of the PlayReady policy claim.

Valid values:

  • 100
  • 250
  • 270
  • 300

"require_hdcp1" claim

Optional. This optional claim of the PlayReady policy claim defines if HDCP v2.2 is required. It is a boolean value.

"playready" (PlayReady) claim

Optional. The "playready" claim is a child of the policy claim. It is a JSON object structure that allows communication of PlayReady specific claims.

"begin_time" claim

Optional. The "begin_time" claim is an optional child of the PlayReady policy claim. It is an integer value that expresses the epoch time when the license is to begin. Use UTC time.

Units: Seconds

"expiration_after_first_play" claim

Optional. The "expiration_after_first_play" claim is an optional child of the PlayReady policy claim. It is an integer value that specifies how long the content may be played or streamed for after first play.

Units: Seconds

"expiration_time" claim

Optional. The "expiration_time" claim is an optional child of the PlayReady policy claim. It is an integer value that expresses the epoch time when the license is to expire. Use UTC time.

Units: Seconds

"persistent" claim

Optional. The "persistent" claim is an optional child of the PlayReady policy claim. It is a boolean that indicates if the license should be persistent or not.
Default: False

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